The Almanack of Pablo


Hi, I'm Dr. Pablo Merchán-Rivera .

I'm originally from Ecuador and have been living in Germany for the past nine years. I describe myself professionally as an Engineer & Data Scientist. I hold a Doctoral Degree in engineering from the Technical University of Munich, which I obtained in 2022. I also got a master's degree in environmental engineering and renewable energies from the same university and an environmental engineering degree from the SEK International University.

I love doing science and using my skills to find practical solutions to environmental issues, both in academia and industry. My work has focused on solving problems in fluid dynamics, risk analysis and renewable energy systems using different techniques such as numerical modelling, polynomial chaos expansions, machine learning, and Bayesian statistics, among others. I am currently working as Senior Data Scientist at Ampero in Munich, where I explore AI solutions in the renewable energy sector.

A few interesting things about me:

🐊 I've caught crocodiles with my own hands (for their own good, of course, as part of a research project).
🎸 I can play the guitar, sing, and dance salsa, all in a fairly decent manner.
🎮 I enjoy playing video games. I don't play as much as I would like, and I'm fairly bad at them.
📘 Learning is the greatest motivation in my life. When I find time, I consume books, podcasts, and online courses to learn new things.
⚽ I love watching and playing football. At some point, I plan to create an app that analyzes football players' statistics.
🎨 I pay close attention to detail in the graphical design of everything I do, from simple plots to presentations, from my notes in my notebooks to the theme of my IDE. It's often a curse, as perfectionism often is.
☕ Coffee is my fuel. I love trying different types of coffee, and sitting in a coffee shop is one of my favorite things to do.
👨🏻‍🏫 I also like teaching. I gave lectures on numerical modeling, uncertainty quantification, and data science at the Technical University of Munich, as well as in different workshops and summer schools in Ecuador.

I invite you to explore my website to learn more about my research, publications, and projects. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, inquiries or just want to connect.

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Latest Scientific Publication

Check out my latest publication where we study the effects of hydropeaking waves in flow topology using polynomial chaos expansions:

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